03 9470 8300

Clinic Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm

Closed weekends and public holidays

Aged Care - Geriatrician

Bundoora Specialist Health Care has the largest group of private geriatricians in the North.

Geriatricians, also known as aged care physicians, are medical specialists who deal with the diagnosis and treatment of problems specific to the elderly.

Geriatricians treat cardiovascular disorders, liver or kidney disorders, osteoporosis and other bone disorders, endocrine and skin disorders of the elderly. Geriatricians also treat conditions including depression, delirium, dementia, neurological disorders, and  psychotic disorders of the aging population.

All geriatricians are able to properly assess and manage geriatric complications, and have knowledge of appropriate medications, drug interactions, and side effects.

At Bundoora Specialist Health Care our physicians all have experience and expertise in the assessment, diagnosis and management of age related illnesses and older people with complex medical problems such as:

-Dementia and cognitive impairment
-Falls and balance problems
-Geriatric Medical Assessments

Several of our Aged Care Physicians will also conduct home/residential care visits at the request of a GP.  These assessments are bulk billed.

Please contact our office to discuss any queries you may have or to make an appointment.

Additional Resources

Aged and Community Services Australia
About BSHC

Bundoora Specialist Health care is a group of specialist health care professionals based in Bundoora, Melbourne.

Covering a broad range of conditions, BSHC is dedicated to providing the highest quality, comprehensive health care to Melbourne's North.

Contact Us

Phone: 03 9470 8300

Fax: 03 9470 8311

Address: 445 Grimshaw Street
VIC 3083